Edge Functions

Background Tasks

How to run background tasks in an Edge Function outside of the request handler

Edge Function instances can process background tasks outside of the request handler. Background tasks are useful for asynchronous operations like uploading a file to Storage, updating a database, or sending events to a logging service. You can respond to the request immediately and leave the task running in the background.

A background task can run until the Edge Function instance hits its wall-clock limit.

Here's an example of defining a background task using a custom event.

// Define a custom event type for the background task.
class MyBackgroundTaskEvent extends Event {
readonly taskPromise: Promise<Response>
constructor(taskPromise: Promise<Response>) {
this.taskPromise = taskPromise
globalThis.addEventListener('myBackgroundTask', async (event) => {
const res = await (event as MyBackgroundTaskEvent).taskPromise
console.log(await res.json())
Deno.serve(async (req) => {
const fetchPromise = fetch('https://httpbin.org/json')
const event = new MyBackgroundTaskEvent(fetchPromise)
return new Response('ok')

Testing background tasks locally

When testing Edge Functions locally with Supabase CLI, the instances are terminated automatically after a request is completed. This will prevent background tasks from running to completion.

To prevent that, you can update the supabase/config.toml with the following settings:

policy = "per_worker"

When running with per_worker policy, Function won't auto-reload on edits. You will need to manually restart it by running supabase functions serve.